Archives: Services

The Mother’s Day Story Matters

Even if you have them before, some stories are worth repeating, and regularly. There are new generations to teach, or ongoing ones to remind. The story of Mother’s Day is one of those stories that taps into much bigger things than the story itself. Come learn, remember, be renewed in or challenged by this story … Continue reading The Mother’s Day Story Matters

Your Story Matters

Where we come from and who we come from matters as it forms us and informs how we view the world. There are things to celebrate and sometimes to overcome or reshape. The essence of who we are may be covered over a bit or burning brightly. Where we come from, how we’ve been formed, … Continue reading Your Story Matters

Ode to Ordinariness

Our brains are wired to remember the extra-ordinary but in fact ordinariness is what fills up most of our days and most of our lives.  How can we honor and celebrate the gifts and blessings of ordinariness?   Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy, Haruko DeArth,  Sharon Arpoika, Jude Markel and Sue Cotter. 


A core human need is to belong– we honor our own sense of belonging here at UUFSC, engage our curiosity about our newcomers’ stories, and welcome new members as they begin their journey of belonging here.  Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy,  Sharon Arpoka, Haruko DeArth, and Jorge Torrez.

Our Essential Work

Though the work of caring is devalued in our dominant culture, it is our essential work here at UUFSC.  Caring for others and caring for the parts of ourselves we too often neglect.    Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy, Dee Hawksworth, Todd Whiteley, and Jorge Torrez. 

We Are Seeds

Offering a different twist on our traditional Flower Communion Easter Service, we honor not just the vibrant colors of flowers, but the comparatively bland, small seed from which they emerge.  Please bring a flower, some seeds, and a small handful of dirt with you to our Zoom worship. Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Brian Wise, Steve … Continue reading We Are Seeds

Loved Into Being

Faith in Unitarian Universalism isn’t just an intellectual exercise: it’s “heart” work.  This worship service, created by our national Unitarian Universalist Association, features a sermon by UUA President Susan Frederick-Gray, as well as vibrant music and storytelling that will help us to grow in spirit, in courage, and in generosity. Worship Leaders are Brian Wise … Continue reading Loved Into Being

Wax On, Wax Off

When we talk about things like spirituality, we often think of meditating on a cushion or a retreat in the woods.  But just as the character Daniel discovered in Karate Kid, sometimes we are learning something far deeper than what we realize.  Worship leaders are Rev. Darcy, Todd Whiteley, Brian Wise, and Jude Markel. 

Urn Coffee is the Best Coffee 

When it comes to coffee, most of us would rather have a tailor made espresso drink from our local coffee shop as opposed to drinking the communal coffee at work (or dare I say at coffee hour!) However, when it comes to welcoming and inclusiveness, which is the better option and how does this perspective … Continue reading Urn Coffee is the Best Coffee 

Beloved Conversations, Part 2

What do we Unitarian Universalists need to learn in order to realize the multicultural Beloved Community of which we dream?  Participants in the Fall’s Beloved Conversations program will share some of their learnings. Beloved Conversations is a program for Unitarian Universalists seeking to embody racial justice as a spiritual practice and heal the impact of … Continue reading Beloved Conversations, Part 2