Archives: Services

Beloved Conversations, Part 1

What do we Unitarian Universalists need to learn in order to realize the multicultural Beloved Community of which dream? Participants in the Fall’s Beloved Conversations program will share some of their learnings. Beloved Conversations is a program for Unitarian Universalists seeking to embody racial justice as a spiritual practice and heal the impact of racism on … Continue reading Beloved Conversations, Part 1


We will celebrate the glorious beauty we are surrounded by at this time of year with poetry and music.  If your allergies allow, try to spend some time sauntering through an almond orchard and share photos of the sauntering with Rev. Darcy  On Saturday February 20th, Rev Darcy, Katherine, and Sam will be sauntering … Continue reading Blossoming

Side With Love

What if to “side with love” meant making bold, faith-full choices? What if it were even a little bit scary? This worship service, created by our national Unitarian Universalist Service, brings together worship leaders and musicians from across the country to offer hopeful, moving, challenging reminders about what we, as Unitarian Universalists, are called to … Continue reading Side With Love

Groundhog Day

The same day, over and over–this is how many people have described the past 11 months. So we turn to the 1993 movie Groundhog Day to discover what we can take away from the pandemic monotony. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Haruko DeArth, Sharon Arpoika, and Jorge Torrez.

When Hope Leans Right Up Again Despair

“This is one of those moments when despair leans up right against hope,” says journalist Ezra Klein.  In order to fuel our hope, we need our imaginations more than ever and all that fuels our imaginative capacities– playfulness, creativity, and whimsy. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Brian Wise, Todd Wise, and Sue Cotter.  

Believe Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast

Cognitive scientists say that we humans are always making a tradeoff between exploring our worlds and acting efficiently to accomplish goals.  And yet to accomplish our goals of justice, peace, and equity, exploration and imagination are desperately needed. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Carol Festejo, Brian Wise, and Jude Markel.

Do Not Wait For Some Distant Tomorrow

We will spend time with the words and voice of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Haruko DeArth, Sharon Arpoika, and Jorge Torrez.

Beauty from Brokenness

Sometimes our capacity for imagination is only fully realized when we confront and embrace brokenness. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Dee Hawksworth, Steve Naldoza, and Jorge Torrez. 

Remember, Release, Resolve

We humans always need opportunities to begin again. What do you need toremember, what do you need to release, and what do you need to resolve to do? Sharon Arpoika will lead the congregation’s New Year letting go ritual. Worship Leaders this week are Sharon Arpoika, Todd Whiteley, Haruko DeArth, Leroy and Pat Egenberger, and Jorge Torrez. 

Ages of Joy

How can we find new ways to open the door to joy in our lives? How does joy change through the different phases of our lives? As we prepare to turn to a new year, let us consider the many ways to facilitate simple joy. Rev. Lucas Hergert, minister of the North Shore Unitarian Church … Continue reading Ages of Joy