Archives: Services

Letting Go of What Was

The Buddhist and Christian traditions both offer stories to help encourage letting go of what was to make room for what could be. Come hear the stories and explore where you are on that journey. Worship Leaders: Haruko DeArth, Brian Wise and Jorge Torrez. Guest Minister: Rev. Erin Matteson


Local poet, Gillian Wegener, shares poetry about recognizing and appreciating the beauty and wonder of this region, its towns, landscapes, people, and the many ways it shapes and moves us.   Worship leaders:  Gillian Wegener, Todd Whiteley, Sharon Arpoika, and Jorge Torrez.

GA Sunday Morning Service

Until Love Wins – Today’s challenging times require a nimble and resilient spirituality. We need a demanding, inspiring faith and a love strong enough that it will not let us go. We will draw the circle wide, gather our strength, and promise to stay in the struggle and joy until love wins. List of Presenters: Musicians, Franco … Continue reading GA Sunday Morning Service

Founding Fathers

This Father’s Day, when we often celebrate literal and figurative fathers who helped shape and make a difference in our lives and in the world, let’s explore some of those men from the Unitarian Universalist movement. If you have persons you would nominate worth lifting up, global, national or local, contact me to give me … Continue reading Founding Fathers

Play Across Generations: A Revolutionary Act We Must Pass On

There are many worthwhile things we teach children or grandchildren, neighbor kids or kids of our Fellowship. We want them to learn responsibility, compassion, good stewardship of money or the land. We want to form them in all kinds of core practices for living committed to their deepest convictions and the mission of our Fellowship. … Continue reading Play Across Generations: A Revolutionary Act We Must Pass On

The Stories of Veterans Matter

Memorial Day can be a challenging time for some. Families may have folks serving they want to support, yet also struggle with supporting the violence that often comes with war. Yet life is never easy, and faith, ethics, morals and plain humanity call as people to face into the crossroads of complexities. Comes hear as … Continue reading The Stories of Veterans Matter

The Pandemic Story Matters

For fourteen months now we have moved into a pandemic, and are beginning to move out of it. What story we tell about it, and that we continue to tell the story matters. We can tell the truth, gaslight it, or out and out falsify it. Yet the old saying holds true, “the truth shall … Continue reading The Pandemic Story Matters

Your Community Story Matters

This UU Fellowship has a rich story. Full of challenges and triumphs, deepening understandings of yourself and the needs of the world, you are and continue to grow more fully into a powerful force for love and change. Knowing your story and telling your story – and connecting with the stories of other faith communities … Continue reading Your Community Story Matters

Time to Pick Your Heart Up Off the Floor

So says musician George Michael in his 1987 hit “Faith.” We will focus our attention on stories that help us pick our hearts up off the floor. Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Sharon Arpoika, and Jorge Torrez.Tech Chaplain:Todd Whiteley. Tech Crew: Vic Whaley, and Walker Wynkoop.