Archives: Services

Nature as Solace and Refuge

What gets us through hard times whether they be physical, emotional or spiritual?  For many the answer may be nature.  Former Modesto Poet Laureate and retired teacher, Sal Salerno, will share some of his poems, which focus on how nature can offer us solace and refuge. Worship Leaders:  Sharon Arpoika, Lynn Bristow and Melynda Rodriguez.  … Continue reading Nature as Solace and Refuge

Navigating in the Wilderness

What happens when you set out with others on a journey and the way forward is unclear — bewildering, confusing and messy? What happens when we don’t know what we’ve gotten into to or where to go next? Let’s explore what it means to navigate the twists, turns and possibilities of the unknown. Worship leaders: … Continue reading Navigating in the Wilderness

We Are More Powerful Than We Think

What does it mean to have power? How do we approach this very particular political moment we find ourselves in? Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy, Robbie E. 

Shackled Perceptions

Do legends deny influential figures their right to be perceived as champions of more than one issue? Why is the legend of Martin Luther King, Jr. only one of racial equality? Worship Team: Matte Black, Sharon Arpoika and Magdalene Myint. Guest speaker: Todd Whiteley. Tech Maestro: Adlai Frederickson

The Stories That Run Our Lives

“The universe is made of stories, not of atoms” wrote poet Muriel Rukeyser. What stories make up your universe? What new stories do we need? Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Tricia Garcia, and Magdalene Myint.  Tech Maestro: Todd Whiteley. 

Facing Forward, Letting Go

When the near future feels uncertain or unpredictable, it can be hard to face forward. And yet, face forward we must. As we begin 2025,  what do you need to remember, what do you need to release, and what do you need to resolve to do?  Rev. Darcy will lead the congregation’s annual ‘burning off’ … Continue reading Facing Forward, Letting Go

Become Like Children

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” proclaims Jesus according to the Gospel of Matthew. So be, or become, like children we will in our multigenerational pageant of Margaret Brown’s Christmas in the Barn. Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Sharon Arpoika, and Melynda … Continue reading Become Like Children

Making Hope Possible

“To be truly radical is to make hope possible rather than despair convincing” wrote cultural theorist Raymond Williams. How do we make hope possible?  Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy, Robbie E, and Magdalene M.  Tech Wizard: Todd W.

What Do You Know?

Knowledge is a tricky thing– we humans often fool ourselves into certainties that are anything but. But for all we do not and cannot know, there are a few things we do know– deep in our gut.  And wow, can it feel good to remember what we know.  Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Tricia Garcia, … Continue reading What Do You Know?