Becoming a Member

Becoming a member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Stanislaus County means that you are committed to the principles, values and life attitudes that Unitarian Universalism embraces. It is a public declaration that you stand with a group of people who have a liberal religious view. It is a commitment to support and encourage one’s own and others’ efforts to grow spiritually and to support the congregation’s mission and vision in the wider world.
Expectations of Membership
As a member of this congregation, you will be expected to become actively involved in the life of the congregation and its ministries. All members are asked to reflect on their life circumstances, their spiritual goals and to make a serious commitment to serving the mission and purpose of the church.
Worship and the Celebration of Life
Attending worship regularly, participating in life passages, community rituals and activities, etc.
Spiritual Growth
Cultivation of your spiritual life: for example, participating in our learning community, joining a covenant group, personal meditation, prayer, etc.
Shared Ministry
Serving the community within and beyond the church walls. For example, teaching religious education, providing pastoral care, participating in worship, working for justice, volunteering for a committee or council, taking a position of leadership, involvement in community service projects, serving lunch, ushering, etc.
Taking care of what we value and enabling it to improve and grow. For example, making a stewardship pledge by giving or tithing 5-10% of your income, caring for our buildings and grounds, participating in our Capital Campaign, etc.
Living Our Faith
Living out Unitarian Universalism through our mission and covenant. For example, practicing our principles in daily life, voting at congregational meetings, and getting involved in justice work.
Sharing the Vision
Letting others know about the transformative power of Unitarian Universalism.
Next Steps
There are many ways to prepare for membership. While you are welcome to join the congregation at any time, you are also invited to take whatever time you need to discern whether UUFSC is your spiritual home. Below are some of the ways you can prepare for membership and/or deepen your membership commitment when you join the church.
Preparing for Membership
1. Attend New to UU Class. This three part series led by our lay leaders and ministers explores our personal religious paths, the sources of UU living traditions, the history of the faith, and the hope it holds for the future. These classes are held periodically throughout the program year. Check our announcement page or the order of service for details.
2. Join a Small Group Ministry Circle– a group of 6-8 members and friends of UUFSC that gather for reflection on important questions and deep listening.
3. Speak with someone from our Membership Team to learn more about the meaning and expectations of membership.
4. Spend some time reflecting within yourself about what it will mean to you to commit to being a member of this church. How will you want to help make the mission and goals of this institution real? Does the the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Stanislaus County feel like your spiritual home? How might you want to invest your own gifts of time, talent and treasure to support our mission?
1. Sign the membership book. It is available most Sundays to sign. Your signature must be witnessed by someone from the Membership Team and the minister.
2. Participate in a formal welcoming ceremony. Welcoming Ceremonies are a part of the services 1-2 times a year. New members are invited to share a little bit about them, there are special words of welcome and a covenanting with the congregation. New members will receive their “member” nametag.
3. As a member of the church you have the right to vote at all congregational meetings and elections. And, if you wish, can be nominated and elected to serve on any standing committee. Only members are counted by our denomination in its annual survey. Non-members are welcome to participate in many areas of church life but membership allows us to “stand and be counted” as a liberal religious body so that we may have more influence in making real the values and vision we have for ourselves and the world around us.