Archives: Services

What Makes Us Free?

One of the big paradoxes in being human is that it’s often when we commit ourselves to something (a relationship, a practice, a community, etc.), which requires limiting our freedom in one sense, that we may have a chance of experiencing something like what we call freedom in another sense.  Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy, Brian, … Continue reading What Makes Us Free?

Settling for Survival and Some Love

Our spiritual formation theme this month is “Liberating Love.” Frankly, “liberation” feels like a pretty tall order. I’d settle for survival and some loving along the way. What about you?  Worship Leaders: Rev Darcy Baxter, Leroy Egenberger, and Magdalene Myint. Tech Maestro: Todd Whiteley.

Remember, Release, Resolve, Begin Again

  We humans always need opportunities to begin again.  What do you need to remember, what do you need to release, and what do you need to resolve to do to move forward?  Sharon Arpoika will lead the congregation’s annual “burning off” ritual. Worship Leaders:  Sharon Arpoika, Tricia Garcia, and Melynda Rodriguez.  Tech Maestro:  Cherie … Continue reading Remember, Release, Resolve, Begin Again

No Service at UUFSC

There will be no worship service on Sunday Dec 31st. You are encouraged to join another UU congregation’s worship via Zoom. The UU Congregation of the Monterey Peninsula starts worship at 10:30 am. See the E Blast for the link and password.  

No Service at UUFSC

Joining UU Palo Alto’s Service via Zoom Come in your pajamas and join Rev. Darcy in the church Sanctuary as the tech maestro will broadcast the UU Palo Alto’s morning worship service via Zoom. See the E Blast for the Zoom link and password. UU Palo Alto member Joe Bailey will lead worship: “In the … Continue reading No Service at UUFSC

Celebrating Christmas in the Dark

It is in the darkness that we best remember the reasons for the season. We will celebrate with singing, lessons, and candles. Worship Leaders:  Rev. Darcy Baxter, Robbie Edge, Melynda Rodriguez.   Tech Maestro: Cherie Mendoza. 

Incarnating Christmas

  The Christian tradition teaches us to embody, to incarnate the divine, so embody we will! A multigenerational pageant of Margaret Brown’s Christmas in the Barn.   Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Brian Wise, and Melynda Rodriguez. 

Can Loss Help Us Belong?

Philosopher Judith Butler (who is married to a woman who grew up in this congregation!) thinks that liberals too easily ignore very significant differences in human experiences when we create communities. We will join Butler in wondering what it is like to organize our sense of belonging, our “we” on shared experiences of vulnerability and … Continue reading Can Loss Help Us Belong?

The Mystery of Memories

In these darkest days of the year, we can experience time as thick, slow, or even a bit weird. It can be both hectic and slow.  People are both the happiest and the saddest. The prevalence of “family” gatherings around us can call up the past in complicated ways. Let us honor the mysteries of … Continue reading The Mystery of Memories

It All Need to Fall Apart Sometimes

Join us in exploring Buddhist teacher Pema Chodron’s wisdom that “Things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that.” Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy, Brian W., and Magdalene M. Tech Maestro: Jerry J.