Archives: Services

Only Kindness Makes Sense Anymore

“Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside, you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing” writes Palestinian-American poet Naomi Shihab Nye.  At first glance, kindness may not seem like the most powerful idea to invoke given all that we are facing in our lives and in the world.   But maybe it’s more … Continue reading Only Kindness Makes Sense Anymore

Is Resistance Futile?

In the famous science fiction show Star Trek Next Generation, the terrifying cyborg collective the Borg tell victims who are about to be absorbed into their collective that “resistance is futile.” But is it? Or what else is it? As we seek healing and transformation in personal and public domains, how do we engage forces … Continue reading Is Resistance Futile?

The Transformed Heart

Advocating for children in the foster care system and training others to advocate for these youth has taught CASA Executive Director Steve Ashman many lessons.  Come listen to Steve share some of his hard-won wisdom and consider how we can better support these children and youth in foster care.  The offering will be donated to … Continue reading The Transformed Heart

Less Romance, More Love

“Other significant others” is the term psychology professor Eli Finkel uses for those people in our lives to whom we make deep commitments who are not a romantic partner or part of our traditional nuclear family. How can we begin expecting and risking more in our friendships and other significant others? Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy … Continue reading Less Romance, More Love


Come celebrate the glorious beauty we are surrounded by at this time of year (if your allergies allow!) Please wear your boots or sneakers and a coat as you will be invited to take a brief contemplative walk (or do a sitting) into the surrounding almond orchard as part of the worship service. You are also welcome … Continue reading Blossomings

Drum Circle Sunday

Whether it’s Christian Church “Father” St. Augustine who believed rhythm came from God or Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. asking to be called a “drum-major for justice,” religious leaders have considered rhythm as essential in our efforts for spiritual and ethical living.  So this will be a service full of rhythm! Dave Rogers from … Continue reading Drum Circle Sunday

From Braided Roots

The thinking of Christian reformers and the Radical Reformation, the influences of Judaism and Islam played major roles in the beginning of Unitarian Universalist religious understandings.  We have multiple, braided roots.  Our former minister, the Rev. Grace Simons, gave a sermon on these influences towards the end of her ministry with us in November 2009.   … Continue reading From Braided Roots

Your Sad History of Self Improvement

The title of this service comes from the Jesuit priest and therapist Anthony De Mello. What if the key to all the “changes” you want to make is to stop trying to change? Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Tricia Garcia and Melynda Rodriguez. Worship Tech: John Lehman.

What We Can Do Together

Being a human being means constantly navigating our separateness and connectedness–what is good for the group? What is good for the individual?  Where and how do we draw the lines, if such lines can even be drawn? Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy and Robbie .  Tech Maestro: Zach