Archives: Services

Sometimes You Have to Break

Sometimes in order to build the life that is most right, to build the new relationships you most desire, you have to break old ones.  How do we most gently and lovingly hold all the ways we might need to break, all the breaking we see around us?  Worship leaders:  Rev. Darcy, Tricia G, Magdalene … Continue reading Sometimes You Have to Break

A Love That Frees

In a recorded sermon originally delivered to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Susquehanna Valley, PA, UUA President the Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt explores what it might mean for Unitarian Universalists to be a people guided by a love that frees. She affirms that “choosing to live one’s life guided by what love asks of … Continue reading A Love That Frees

Ice Cream Communion

Surviving the heaviness of the world requires us to experience enough joy and pleasure to buoy us through– that’s one theory anyway!  By popular request, we will celebrate the (arguably) Unitarian origins of the Ice Cream Sundae and buoy ourselves for our annual congregational business meeting after worship.  Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Sharon A., and … Continue reading Ice Cream Communion

Can’t Spell Mother Without Other

On this mother’s day, we celebrate how mothering (broadly understood) is fundamentally about creating someone or something other than oneself.  Depending on the mother’s level of support, maturity, and insight, it can be more or less difficult for that being or entity to become a true “other.”  Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Brian W., and Melynda … Continue reading Can’t Spell Mother Without Other

Relishing Difference

As police are being quickly called on student protesters around the country (even non-violent ones) and  brazenly illiberal presidential candidate’s popularity persists, what does it mean to dedicate ourselves not just to tolerating difference but relishing it? Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Robbie E, and Melynda R. 

Circles of Interdependence

When we think about the theme of interdependence, we can stay on the surface of the water, or swim a little deeper to explore some of the “subsets” under the main umbrella. Come join with others in diving a little deeper to get to some of the pieces we may not think of initially when … Continue reading Circles of Interdependence

Welcoming New Members

In our rapidly dechurching society, why make a commitment to our congregation or any congregation for that matter? Come hear the new members of UUFSC as they share why they are deciding to “go against the grain.”   Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy, Robbie E., and Magdalene M. Tech Maestro: Adlai F.

Does Belonging Feel Like Prison

Philosopher Lauren Berlant once asked “does belonging always feel like belonging or does it sometimes feel like prison?”  What does belonging actually feel like– and what should it feel like in a Unitarian Universalist congregation?  Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy, Brian W, and Melynda Rodriguez. Tech Maestro: Todd Whiteley

Handle Hard Better

“Handle Hard Better” are the words that Duke University’s women’s basketball coach Kara Lawson said in a speech to her team. The video of her not even 3 minute speech went viral, inspiring hundreds of people to share with Lawson how they are handling hard better.  “We all wait in life for things to get … Continue reading Handle Hard Better