Archives: Services

Feeding Our Souls (and Bodies!)- Potluck Communion

Eating together is a sacred act in many traditions and UUFSC has a long tradition of delicious potlucks. Please bring food to share, as the service will end with a “communion potluck,” where we will offer gratitude, spend some moments in mindful eating, and share stories about what we expect from ourselves and the church this upcoming year. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy and Haruko DeArth.

Being the Ancestors Our Descendants Would Be Proud Of

We get so caught up in the day-to-day, it is easy to forget to pause, zoom out of the mundane, and ask whether we are being the ancestors our descendants would be proud of. So, are we? What should we expect of ourselves in this complicated moment in history and how do we be the kind of people our children and children’s children will be proud of? Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy and Dee Hawksworth.

Expecting Too Much, Expecting Too Little

One of the biggest challenges of our time is knowing what to expect. The rate of change and the pace of life have increased so much, we don’t know if we are expecting too much or too little– or if too little or too much is being expected of us. Come explore how we can expect just the right amount. Worship leaders this week are Dee Hawksworth and Todd Whiteley.

Creatures of Stealth Denial

When we know something is true but don’t feel that it’s true, we do not live as if that something is true. We live in a state that philosopher Jonathon Rowson calls stealth denial. We explore how we can know, feel, and live the truths we are so good at stealthily denying. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy and Sharon Arpoika.

Appreciating What We Expect

With so many modern conveniences and technological advances, we have come to expect things from daily life that were barely imaginable to earlier generations. Come and experience deep appreciation for all the things we have come to expect. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Brian Wise and Haruko DeArth.

Fostering Love amidst Festering Hate

We live in a time when we aren’t only dealing with environmental climate change. Recent years have brought an escalation of hate speech and crimes forcing us to look again at the climate of civility and basic human respect. Persons and movements are calling for “climate control”. What does it mean to foster love amidst … Continue reading Fostering Love amidst Festering Hate

Look to the Sunflowers … Listen to the Farmers

Farmers and sunflowers, faith and psychology, science and community have a lot to offer, and when weather feels unpredictable and out of control plants seem to block, dim, or take away the light from others. Come glean the wisdom from varied fields. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Erin Matteson, Todd Whiteley, and Haruko DeArth. 

Question Box Sermon

Do you have questions for me? They could be about the Fellowship, or theology, or current events, or Unitarian Universalism, or whatever is on your heart and mind. At the beginning of the service I’ll invite you to write questions on index cards; my spontaneous responses to these questions will be the sermon. Worship Leaders this … Continue reading Question Box Sermon