Archives: Services

Finding Awe the Second Time Around

Novelty is overrated–though our human brain is wired to look for the flashy and new, we humans vastly underestimate the joy and pleasure we derive from repeat experiences. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy and Haruko DeArth. The children will have an all ages class with Sarah Beekman and April Guttierrez. They’ll be exploring … Continue reading Finding Awe the Second Time Around

Here is A Place Filled with Wonder

Scott Stabile writes, “This moment is a blessing. Each breath a gift. That I’ve been able to take so much for granted is a gift, too. But it’s not how I want to live—not when gratitude is an option, not when wonder and awe are choices.” Taking things for granted is automatic and easier, but each day is a new chance to choose gratitude and experience wonder and awe. Worship leaders this week are Dee Hawksworth, Brian Wise, and musician Jorge Torrez.

What Really Nourishes You

It is so easy to consume things that actually do not nourish you.  As we approach a season so focused on consumption, we turn our attention to what truly nourishes and nurtures us.  Worship leaders this week are Matthew Mason, Rev. Michelle Favreault, and Jude Markel.

To What Are You Devoted?

Poet Mary Oliver writes that, “Attention is the beginning of devotion.” In order to become devoted to something or someone, first you must notice it, then give it your attention, and then fall in a kind of love. In this service we will reflect on to what and to whom we are most devoted and whether our devotions reflect our deepest held values. Worship Leaders this week are Brian Wise, Dee Hawksworth, and Jorge Torrez. Greeters are Jose Quinonez and Jerry Jackman.

Making Your Way Through the Dark

Now that we have changed our clocks out of daylight savings time, many of us find ourselves spending a lot more time in the dark. In a culture that focuses our attention on “the light,” we take time to honor the wisdom of the dark. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Todd Whiteley, and Jorge Torrez. Greeters are Leah Silvestre and Jerry Landrum.

The Long Now

When musician, producer, and artist Brian Eno moved to the United States from England he was struck by how when people said “here” and “now,” people generally meant “this room” and “this five minutes” as opposed to a larger here and longer now that he felt was how time was experienced in England. Join us as we tap into our long-now. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy and Haruko DeArth. Greeters at the door are Jerry Jackman and Mary Menz.

Remembering Our Beloved Dead

In a culture that works hard to pay minimal attention to death, we gather to honor and celebrate our beloveds who have died. Children are invited to participate in the entire service–in ritual, words, and song. Please bring mementos and/or photos of dear ones who have passed on, as we will co-create an altar for our beloved departed. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Sharon Arpoika, and musician Jorge Torrez.

Becoming the Sanctuary You Have Found

While humans deeply crave to feel a sense of belonging, as Unitarian Universalists we are called not just to enjoy this experience when we are lucky enough to find it–we are called to become the sanctuary we have found. Worship Leaders this week are Todd Whiteley, Brian Wise, and Jorge Torrez.

Overcoming Fear and Terror

Coping with fear and terror requires us to create and sustain holy friendships–friendships where we challenge the sins we have come to love, affirm the gifts we are afraid to claim, and help and get help in dreaming dreams we otherwise would not dream. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Haruko DeArth, and musician Jude Markel.

Should You Do the Dishes?

Belonging is a basic human yearning. Humans are designed to be part of a group–that is what brought many into this congregation! But how do you cultivate that sense of belonging in yourself and others? Well, do the dishes. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy and Dee Hawksworth.