Archives: Services

A Multitude of Mentors

What is a mentor? What do they look like? Could you spot one on the street? Who have been yours? What do mentors offer us? Come remember, hear the stories of Michelle Obama and Marian Wright Edelman, recognize and claim your own place among them.  Worship leaders this week are Dee Hawksworth, Rev. Erin Matteson, … Continue reading A Multitude of Mentors

Threshold Moments

There are moments when we are on the verge of moving into some new possibility or place in our lives. Sometimes it’s like we are standing at a doorway between what was and what can now be. Yet still, it’s ours to recognize these threshold moments, and ours to choose whether or how we will … Continue reading Threshold Moments

Countering Fear, Cultivating Hope and Joy

Adapting the words of 18th century American philosopher and revolutionary leader Thomas Paine for our time, “these are the times that try our souls.” Anxiety, anger, polarization, despair, and fear seem widespread and appropriate. In the context of such troubling times, we need authentic community and truth telling, plus the deep spiritual practices of faith, … Continue reading Countering Fear, Cultivating Hope and Joy

Poetry: A Vital Necessity

We welcome back former Modesto poet laureate Gillian Wegener who will offer an experience of beauty through her poetry. Poetry connects us to, and expands on, our own feelings, and is as Audre Lorde said, “a vital necessity of our existence.” Worship Leaders this week are Todd Whiteley and Gillian Wegener.  Greeters at the door this week … Continue reading Poetry: A Vital Necessity

The Many Dimensions of Beauty

Most of us have heard the phrase, “beauty is only skin deep.” Yet beauty is about so much more than “looks” or creation. And what about what beauty does in us, and so for the world? Come explore the many dimensions of beauty through the writings and poetry of John O’Donohue, David Whyte, sacred texts … Continue reading The Many Dimensions of Beauty

The Speed of Trust

Activist and community organizer adrienne maree brown writes that we should pace our efforts to the “speed of trust.” What can emerge when we stop expecting mechanistic efficiency and change our tempos to the speed of trust? Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Sharon Arpoika, and Haruko DeArth.

Where Words Cannot

Music takes us to emotional and spiritual depths that words cannot. This Sunday, we welcome the trio of Jorge Torrez, Amanda Jane Ross and Tanya Harris for a special music Sunday, inviting their music to stir, provoke, and move us towards Beauty. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Haruko DeArth, and Jorge Torrez.

The Beauty of Growth and Learning

Throughout our lifetimes, we humans have opportunities to grow in so many ways. Our early years are particularly rich in growth–our bodies and brains are growing and adapting more actively than in any other period of life. Come celebrate the journey of growth as we honor the youth of our community. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Brian Wise, and Jorge Torrez.

The Real Story

The phrase “curiosity killed the cat” has been around for decades, if not centuries. People have enjoyed it, used it without thought, perhaps even with good intention. But Curiosity hasn’t been happy with that. She begs to differ, would like to set the record straight, and is ready to speak out. Come hear from her for yourself as she makes her first public appearance in a string of scheduled stops on that tour at the UU Fellowship this Sunday. Worship leaders this week are Sharon Arpoika, Rev. Erin Matteson, and Jorge Torrez.

Name, Hand, and Heart

What does it mean to carry forward Unitarian Universalism? In the lead-up to our annual congregation meeting today, we explore what it means to, in the words of Rev. William Channing Gannett, “join ourselves together, name, hand, and heart.” Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Brian Wise, and Haruko DeArth.