Archives: Services

No More Bootstraps

The broader culture, as well as the Unitarian-Universalist tradition, has over-emphasized individualism. How can we work our way from “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” to interdependence and right relationship? Worship leaders this week are Todd Whiteley, Brian Wise, and Jorge Torrez. Click here to listen to Todd Whiteley present the sermon,

What Does It Mean to Be Sustainable?

Now, more than ever, we know that as people, a society, and a world, we need to be sustainable. What does sustainability actually look like in our lives? Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Dee Hawksworth, and Jorge Torrez. Greeters are Leah Silvestre and Lynn Bristow. Click here to hear Rev. Darcy’s full sermon.

12 Steps for UUs

Addiction touches so many of our lives–and 12 step groups have provided so much support to many, despite a lot of the ‘theological’ translation work many have to do to participate in such groups. What wisdom can be gleaned from the 12 steps? Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Brian Wise, and Jude Markel. Greeters are … Continue reading 12 Steps for UUs

Loving More Than Your Reflection

Too often we confuse love with the experience of another person reflecting back to us what we want to see–the version of ourselves we so want to see. Our Universalist heritage asks us to move beyond these deceptive practices of ego gratifying reflection to find true love. This week the children will meet in an … Continue reading Loving More Than Your Reflection

The Arc of the Universe

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. made famous the quote by Unitarian minister Theodore Parker that the arc of the universe is long but it bends towards justice. For Unitarian Universalists, living in integrity means figuring out ways to lend our weight to bending the arc. This Sunday is a whole congregation worship which means the children … Continue reading The Arc of the Universe

Making A Way Out of No Way

Religious liberals often talk about ‘freedom’ as a value, even a goal, of our tradition–but perhaps freedom may be too lofty of an aspiration. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Todd Whiteley, and Jorge Torrez. 

Beginning Again..and Again…and Again

In order to live in integrity, we humans always need opportunities to begin again. What do you need to remember, what do you need to release, and what do you need to resolve to do? Rev. Darcy will lead the congregation’s annual ‘burning off’ ritual. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Dee Hawksworth, and Jorge Torrez.

The Gift of Other

In the Unitarian Universalist tradition, we don’t recognize “other,” but just because we don’t see you as “other” that doesn’t mean we don’t recognize and value your unique gifts. Some of the best gifts are the ones we don’t even know we are receiving.  Join presenter Todd Whiteley, Worship Associate Haruko DeArth, and musician Jude Markel … Continue reading The Gift of Other

Pain is the Other Side of Love

During this time of longest nights in our Northern Hemisphere, this contemplative service will help us honor all that darkness offers our beings in midst of ecological crisis. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Sharon Arpoika, and Jorge Torrez. 

Incarnating Christmas

The Christian tradition teaches us to embody, to incarnate the divine, so embody we will! Join us for our multigenerational pageant of Margaret Brown’s Christmas in the Barn. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Brian Wise, and Jorge Torrez.