Archives: Services

Incarnating Christmas

The Christian tradition teaches us to embody, to incarnate the divine, so embody we will! Join us for our multigenerational pageant of Margaret Brown’s Christmas in the Barn. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Carol Festejo, Steve Naldoza, and Jude Markel. 

Do Nothing

Artist Jenny Odell writes, “Nothing is harder to do than nothing. In a world where our value is determined by our productivity, many of us find our every last minute captured, optimized, or appropriated as a financial resource by the technologies we use daily.”  As we enter the darkest weeks of the year, we heed … Continue reading Do Nothing

Maybe It Is the Dark That Saves Us

As we enter into the darkest weeks of the year, we explore the importance of darkness in our life. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Haruko DeArth, Sharon Arpoika, Elaine Arnold, and Jude Markel.

Healing, Hope, and Guidance

The human mind holds many mysteries that modern science is only beginning to understand. Popular culture and social stigma can get in the way of our mental health, and of course the current state of the world has not been helpful. Fortunately, our Unitarian Universalist faith can offer us hope and guidance as we seek … Continue reading Healing, Hope, and Guidance

Pomegranate and Persimmon Communion

What we eat actually changes the composition of our bodies–Americans are called “walking Fritos” because our diets are so full of genetically modified corn! In the middle of our fertile San Joaquin valley with all its industrialized agriculture, we focus our attention (and our taste buds) on the delicious abundance of our valley and ways of … Continue reading Pomegranate and Persimmon Communion

Growing the Beloved Community

We revisit the mission of our congregation and ground ourselves in our unique religious tradition of not just reaching out across various kinds of borders, but also living on and into borders and boundaries. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Todd Whiteley, Haruko DeArth, and Sue Cotter. 

The Time of Repair

How will we look back at this time? In the midst of this post-election week, we will pause to collect ourselves and imagine how we might look back at this time–a time of repair. Worship Leaders this week are  Rev. Darcy, Dee Hawksworth, Steve Naldoza, and Jorge Torrez. 

To Heal Is To Remember

In a culture that works hard to pay minimal attention to death, even in the midst of the mass death of a pandemic, we will honor our beloveds who have died, as well as the over 1.16 million people confirmed dead from COVID.  Worship associates this week are Rev. Darcy, Haruko DeArth, Sharon Arpoika, and Jorge Torrez.

Lessons for Surviving Chaos

How we love order! A sense of order often brings us feelings of safety and security. But many different wisdom traditions affirm that individuals, communities, and yes maybe even whole nations, may need to endure periods of disorder so that something greater (more enlightened even?) can be achieved. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Todd Whiteley, … Continue reading Lessons for Surviving Chaos

A Kind of Paradise

Novelist Chimamanda Adichie says that, “we reject the single story, when we realize that there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise.”  When we listen deeply, resist the danger of the single story, we can discover a kind of paradise. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Carol Festejo, … Continue reading A Kind of Paradise