Archives: Services

What Should Come From Our Loneliness?

The pandemic has taken the experience of loneliness to whole other levels.  What could or should come from our loneliness? Worship Leaders: Rev Darcy, Haruko DeArth, Sharon Arpoika, and Jorge Torrez.  Tech Crew: Vic W,haley, Brian Wise, and Steve Naldoza.

Embracing the Wisdom of Possibility

What do we need to embrace possibility – to move in another direction so that we may grow and thrive?  I invite you to sip a cup of tea as we probe this question.  Worship leaders:  Sharon Arpoika, and Brian Wise.

Was Mr. Rogers a Socialist?

A key feature of Mr (Reverend) Rogers’ hundreds of episodes was showing children how things in their life are made: peanut butter, crayons, guitars.  We follow his lead and honor all the labor and love literally and figuratively holding us up.  Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Dee Hawksworth, and Jorge Torrez. Tech Crew: Vic Whaley, Steve Naldoza, and … Continue reading Was Mr. Rogers a Socialist?

So It Goes

Kurt Vonnegut was a famous Unitarian Universalist. This sermon celebrates the absurdities of life, with a little help from the author Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut was a member of All Souls Unitarian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. Rev. Lucas Hergert, Minister of the North Shore Unitarian Church in Deerfield, Illinois, will preach for us. Worship Leaders: Haruko DeArth, Todd Whiteley, … Continue reading So It Goes

You Gotta Play

Facing threat and stress, it is easy to buckle down into seriousness.  But in order to muster the kind of courage, creativity, and flexibility we need in these times, you gotta make time to loosen up and play.  Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy, Brian Wse and Dee Hawksworth. 

In-Gathering and Water Communion

We honor our annual Water Communion service as a ritual of resistance and radical community building.  We gather to find some soulful sustenance in our UU tradition and to recommit ourselves to nurturing the Beloved Community. Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Dee Hawksworth, and Todd Whiteley. 

Wild Tameless

Leah and Chloe Smith of Rising Appalachia sing us to “Be Breathless, Stand Stainless, and Touch the Wild Tameless” in their song Sunny Days. Facing yet another pandemic surge, we explore how we can continue to bear touching the tamelessness of this pandemic.  Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Sharon Arpoika, and Carol Festejo. Tech Crew: Brian … Continue reading Wild Tameless

The Magic of MoonFlowers

The simple stories of our lives can often be the most powerful. I (Rev Erin) was introduced to moonflowers by a fluke (or was it)? Whether your belief system is science, psychology, faith or something else, the full unfolding of getting those seeds, when they started blooming, and their invitations through a simple dinner with them … Continue reading The Magic of MoonFlowers

The Gifts of Communion

Various forms of communion abound in fellowships of all kinds. The UU’s have the lovely tradition of a flower communion. Christians have a longstanding tradition of bread and cup communion. Both of these (and other examples) offer rituals that invite us into something bigger worthwhile for all. Come explore what that is and why we … Continue reading The Gifts of Communion