Archives: Services

Worship Online with UU Palo Alto

Worship Online with UU Palo Alto on Sunday, Nov. 28thYou are invited to join the UU Church of Palo Alto for worship at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 28th. The UUFSC Worship Team will be taking a much needed break after these past few months of fast-paced, on-the-fly learning/adapting to leading worship over Zoom from the church … Continue reading Worship Online with UU Palo Alto

Pomegranate and Persimmon

During these ambiguous days, we need to pay close attention to what truly and deeply nourishes us.  Across distance (most likely, depending on the level of community transmission-stay tuned!), we will participate together in a communion service. Please bring food and drink with you to your screen– pomegranates and persimmons recommended, but any food will … Continue reading Pomegranate and Persimmon


When journalist Johann Hari needs to feel hope, he thinks of his friend Andrew Sullivan, who after being diagnosed with HIV in the early 1990’s (and believing he was soon to die), decided to write an outlandish book about something he thought he would never live to see. Except, he did.  Let us remember the … Continue reading Transformation

How to Live in the In-Between

It is nothing new that we have been living “betwixt and between” the familiar and the completely unknown. We have left the pre-pandemic world behind, while we are not yet sure of what comes next.  How do we live in the in-between?  Worship leaders:  Rev Darcy, Dee H., and Jorge T.  Tech Crew: Vic W … Continue reading How to Live in the In-Between

To Heal is to Remember

In a culture that works hard to pay minimal attention to death, even in midst of the mass death of a pandemic, we will honor our beloveds who have died. Worship leaders: Rev Darcy, Leroy E, and Dee H.

We Gotta Be Kinky

It was the gay community (and different kinds of cultural norms regarding public health) in Provincetown MA that revealed how dangerous the delta variant could be to vaccinated people.  Maybe we would all do well to “kink” our ways of relating to one another.  Worship Leaders: Rev Darcy, Haruko D, Sharon A. Tech Crew: Vic … Continue reading We Gotta Be Kinky

This is What Happens After You Die

As we approach Halloween, Samhain, and All Soul’s Day, guest preacher Rev. Lucas Hergert, Minister of the North Shore Unitarian Church in Deerfield, Illinois, asks: “What do we make of different accounts of the afterlife?”  Worship leaders: Brian W, Todd, Jorge Torrez.

Poetry not Theology

Cultivating relationship can be done in many ways and through various forms. This Sunday, Oct. 10, in a prerecorded video, listen to the Rev. Katie Kandarian-Morris‘  proposition that it may be through poetry not theology that spiritual relationship is cultivated . Worship leaders: Sharon A., Brian W. and Todd W.

Let’s Laugh

“Laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God” wrote Karl Barth, generally considered one of the most influential Christian theologians of the 20th century (and not one that was a fan of liberal religion either).  In midst of heavy and hard times, let us experience some of God’s grace (the god you do … Continue reading Let’s Laugh

Your Carbon Footprint is a Sham

The concept of one’s carbon footprint was a brilliant public relations campaign launched by BP, created to focus people on their individual consumption rather than collective action.  We must remind ourselves and practice resisting the temptations of hyper-individualism all around us.  Worship leaders: Rev Darcy, Todd W,hiteley Haruko D.eArth. Tech Crew: Brian W.ise