Archives: Services

Why Breath Prayer?

With all the ways out there to center, meditate or just plain regroup each day, I’mmaking the case for why breath prayer should be at the top of our list. Come considerthis ancient practice for the first time or be refreshed and renewed in it. We’ll explore it,practice it, and I’m pretty certain you will … Continue reading Why Breath Prayer?

Claiming Our Superpowers

What is your superpower? What is this congregation’s superpower? I know what my answer is and I am curious to hear yours. Because what our world needs right now is people using their superpowers.  Worship Leaders: Rev Darcy, Sharon Arpoika, and Magdalene Myint: Tech Chaplain: Robbie Edge Tech Crew: Todd

Carried by Beauty

The philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote, “In difficult times, carry something beautiful in your heart.”  One of the most important secrets to successful social change and social survival is that when we carry beauty, it carries us.  This month as a spiritual exercise we are invited to find something to carry with us, a reminder about … Continue reading Carried by Beauty

Planting Trees in the Apocalypse

When asked what he would do if he believed the world would end tomorrow, Martin Luther is said to have responded, “I would plant a tree today.” We explore “the trees” we should be planting.Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Haruko D, and Jude Markel.Tech Chaplain: Todd Whiteley. Tech Crew: Vic Whaley and Brian Wise.

Paradox and Play

Wisdom does not only come from rigorous, “serious” thinking– in fact, paradox and play is often far more helpful in helping humans access deeper sources of intuitive wisdom. Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy and Sharon A. Tech Chaplain: Robbie Edge. Tech Crew: Vic Whaley and Brian Wise. 

Care in a Competitive World

Let’s face it– we are encouraged to cultivate the competitive parts of our selves far more than the caring parts (no matter how much lip service we give to care!) In fact, in our society, only if you have been able to successfully compete in the market place are you able to have the resources … Continue reading Care in a Competitive World

When Words Cannot

In this full time, words frequently fail us. So let us turn to music to help us be with all the complexities. Join us for a special music Sunday, featuring our musician Jude Markel, whose music will help soothe and strengthen our spirits. Worship Leaders: Tricia Garcia, Robbie Edge, and Jude Markel. Tech Chaplain: John Lehman. Tech Crew: Vic Whaley … Continue reading When Words Cannot

Carried by Beauty – May 2022

What beautiful thing will you carry with you this May?  The philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote, “In difficult times, carry something beautiful in your heart.”  This month as we explore the spiritual formation theme of Nurturing Beauty I invite you to find something to carry with you, a reminder about beauty that will carry you through … Continue reading Carried by Beauty – May 2022

Awakening to What?

This month’s spiritual formation theme is Awakening and I find myself asking ‘awakening to WHAT exactly?’  What are we supposed to do NOW, in this radically transformed, late COVID- (but not quite post pandemic), democracy trembling, war torn landscape of a world we find ourselves in?  Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Haruko DeArth, and Jorge Torrez.  … Continue reading Awakening to What?