Archives: Services

Is the World Getting Better?

This may seem like an odd question to pose, but by at least SOME metrics, quality of life is improving. How can we tap into the good in a way that energizes us to contribute in whatever ways we can to making life more just and compassionate?  Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Tricia Garcia, Magdalene … Continue reading Is the World Getting Better?

Are You Curious Enough?

Are you in a state of mind and being that allows you to be curious?  Because to navigate these still liminal times, what we need is more curiosity.  UU’s are known for their questions and questioning, but are we curious enough?  Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Leroy Egenberger, Jude Markel. Tech Chaplain: John Lehman.  Tech … Continue reading Are You Curious Enough?

Inherent Worth and Dignity

We Unitarian Universalists hold the counter-cultural belief that all humans have inherent worth and dignity– no matter what you can or cannot do, no matter what you can or cannot produce, we believe you are worthy and full of dignity.  There is so much more to life than work and we are all here because … Continue reading Inherent Worth and Dignity

The Little Hummingbird

With all the need in the world, have you ever just felt overwhelmed to the point ofinaction? Is there some basic guidance we can offer one another to stay fueled upliving a life for others beyond our self? Where is the best place to start? Come explorelessons from “Little Hummingbird”

The Two-Hearted Numbat

This beloved children’s book by a brother-sister team of Aboriginal writers who comefrom the Palyku people of the Pilbara region of Western Australia encourages us to seethe value of and need for both “feathers and stones.” Come explore why in a dualistic,either or, society we really do need both and. We have “both and” within … Continue reading The Two-Hearted Numbat

The Deal On Those Days

(General Assembly Worship) The last few years have not been easy, including in our local congregations. Whole swaths of members have simply stopped coming; COVID is confusing, and polarizing; many ministers have joined the great resignation; and Pew studies and friends alike have pronounced the end of the local church. In this moment, when so many … Continue reading The Deal On Those Days

Holy Envy

Barbara Brown Taylor coins the phrase “Holy Envy” in her book by that title. In it sheexplores what she envies about other faith traditions than her own, and whether she is“looking for greener pastures, or trying to make peace with the realities of her own?”Come explore why it is important to be careful about our … Continue reading Holy Envy

The Sanctuary of Music

Because music gives space to so much more than words alone, come find refuge and renewal in the music of pianist Magdalene Myint.   Worship leaders: Tricia Garcia and Magdalene Myint.  Tech Chaplain: John Lehman  Tech Crew: Walker Wynkoop.

Poetry: A Vital Necessity

We welcome back former Modesto poet laureate Gillian Wegener, who will offer an experience of beauty through her poetry.  Poetry connects us to and expands on our own feelings, and is as Audre Lorde said “a vital necessity of our existence.”  Worship Leaders: Leroy Egenberger, Gillian Wegener, and Jude Markel.  Tech Chaplain: Dee Hawksworth Tech Crew: Todd … Continue reading Poetry: A Vital Necessity