Archives: Services

Sowing Seeds, Gathering Flowers

Offering a slight twist on our traditional Flower Communion Easter Service, we honor not just the vibrant colors of flowers, but the comparatively bland, small seed from which they emerge. Please bring a flower and some seeds to worship! Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy, Sharon Arpoika, and Jude Markel. Tech Chaplain: Robbie Edge. Tech Crew: Vic Whaley., Brian Wise., and Todd … Continue reading Sowing Seeds, Gathering Flowers

Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny

We’re all connected: an interdependent whole. Therefore, says UUA president Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, “covenant is our religious response to our fundamental interdependence.” We make promises about how to be together, and how to be in the world. We also fall short of honoring those promises, inviting us to repair and strengthen the strands of community. The choice … Continue reading Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny

Faith and Disaster

UU’s are not terribly fond of the word “faith”–many have recollections of being told to believe in a white man in the sky. Yet faith in and connection to that which is larger is what we desperately need so that we can honestly and lovingly face all the disaster unfolding around us.  Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, … Continue reading Faith and Disaster

Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

“Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return” are the words recited to Christians receiving ashes on Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. How does focusing on the ashes help us to live and love more richly, fully, and deeply?  Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Leroy Egenberger, and Jorge Torrez.  Tech … Continue reading Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

The Core Purpose of Love

There are several varieties of love, compassion and many reasons to love. Still, at the core, what is the main purpose of love? Why does it exist? Take some quiet time to reflect on this before February 27th and come explore. Worship Leaders: Haruko DeArth, Todd Whiteley, Jude Markel and Amanda Gilbert.  Tech Crew: Brian Wise. Guest … Continue reading The Core Purpose of Love

Exploring Soul Care in African American Practice – Part 2

Join Rev. Erin and others for “part 2” of exploring Barbara Peacock’s book, Soul Care in African American Practice, and “widening the circle” of our understandings of spiritual practice in general, in the black tradition specifically, and regarding the practices of specific black leaders past and present. Come continue widening the welcome of black culture into your very be-ing, … Continue reading Exploring Soul Care in African American Practice – Part 2

Exploring Soul Care in African American Practice – Part 1

Barbara Peacock’s book, Soul Care in African American Practice, has much to offer in regard to “widening the circle” of our understandings of spiritual practice in general, in the black tradition specifically, and regarding the practices of specific black leaders past and present. In exploring this book and the questions it raises, we widen the welcome of … Continue reading Exploring Soul Care in African American Practice – Part 1

Self-Compassion: An Often Lost Sister

Come explore what self- compassion is, is not, why it often gets lost as a practice, particularly for women and persons of color, and times when it is perhaps most critical. Guest Minister: Rev. Erin Matteson