Archives: Services

The Case Against Efficiency

We live in a society that asks us to be efficient, methodical, and intentional about everything. Should we strive to meet these standards? What is lost when we attempt to be the masters of everything in our lives?  Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Tricia Garcia, and Melynda Rodriquez. Tech Maestro: Todd Whiteley. 

You Are Not Self-Made

Though our dominant culture celebrates those who are “self-made,” we Unitarian Universalists do not believe that anyone or anything can be “self-made.” We are part of the interdependent web of life, where we are made and make each other. Join in honoring the precious labor of making each other and being made through others.  Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy … Continue reading You Are Not Self-Made

How to Have Good Boundaries

In the realm of psychology and self-help, having ‘healthy’ boundaries is a hallmark of emotional maturity. But what does it actually mean to have good boundaries? From what are we separate and to what are we connected? Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Tricia Garcia, and Magdalene Myint. Tech Maestro: John Lehman.

In-Gathering and Water Communion

We honor our annual Water Communion service as a ritual of resistance and radical community building.  We gather to find some soulful sustenance in our UU tradition and to recommit ourselves to nurturing the Beloved Community. Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Brian Wise, and Magdalene Myint.  Tech Maestro: Jerry Jackman.

Adopting an Eight Principle

Our seven Unitarian Universalist principles were adopted in 1985. Since then many of us have discovered that we need to do more to counter and eliminate racism. An Eight Principle has been created to do that. In our service this morning we celebrate our Seven Principles and see why an Eight is needed. Worship Leaders: Rev. Leroy Egenberger, Sharon … Continue reading Adopting an Eight Principle

Growing Up Female

Join us for another poetic Sunday where Gillian Wegener discusses growing up female through her poetry and personal reflections. Gillian is the founding president of the Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center, a former poet laureate of Modesto, and a lifelong educator, as well as a good friend to several UU members! Worship Leaders: Dee Hawksworth, Gillian Wegener, … Continue reading Growing Up Female

Who Do You Want to Be?

The world, our culture, has so many ideas about who we are, about who we should be. The truth is, this is one thing we actually have control over. Let’s explore the possibilities of who we could be, how we could love each other more deeply, if we asked questions of ourselves and allowed Spirit … Continue reading Who Do You Want to Be?

What Do You Want to Be?

Efforts to maintain composure and poise can sometimes backfire, especially when those practices are learned responses for surviving traumatic experiences and childhoods. In an effort to bring a whole body consciousness to my poetics and my life, I’ve started shifting how I write poetry. Less editing and overthinking–and more flow! This sermon is a poetry … Continue reading What Do You Want to Be?

Shaped by Stories and Song

Who or what influences who we are religiously? Today Sharon Arpoika will name a few UU ministers, musicians, and storytellers who have played a part in shaping who she is as a Unitarian Universalist.  Worship Leaders:  Sharon Arpoika, Robbie Edge, Jude Markel.  Tech Maestro, Cherie T. Mendoza

Cradled in Creation, Cultivating a Reciprocal Compassion

There is a universal recognition throughout the wisdom traditions that sacredness is held in nature. The ways in which we are intricately woven together, more in a circle than a hierarchy – human beings and all the other realms of creation. Come remember and contemplate the ways creation compassionately coaxes and calls us into new … Continue reading Cradled in Creation, Cultivating a Reciprocal Compassion