Archives: Services

To Make Something Special

Join us for a special music Sunday, where the music of Jude Markel will serve as our spiritual center piece (even more so than usual!).  To make something special requires the work of relationship and collaboration.  Come celebrate all the ways our collaboration with Jude has created life sustaining beauty these past nearly 4 years … Continue reading To Make Something Special

Portals for Grief: Befriending Pigs, Peonies, and Other Personalized Gifts

Having lost both our parents in 2022, my siblings and I are learning a lot about befriending and resisting grief. For each of us with significant losses, when we pay attention, we can notice opportunities to embrace grief. These can be portals both to release our grief, and in that release, to carry us into … Continue reading Portals for Grief: Befriending Pigs, Peonies, and Other Personalized Gifts

To Question Is the Answer

Asking and exploring questions is a spiritual act– one of the most important ones for many Unitarian Universalists.  Please bring your questions to share.  Rev. Darcy will offer responses and maybe we together can find a few answers.  Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Tricia Garcia, and Jude Markel. Tech Maestro: Todd Whiteley.

Throwing Seeds

Long time church member and now deceased Hazel H. used to ride her bike around town, throwing poppy seeds as she rode. What does it mean to throw seeds for a future, even if we may not see or experience that future? A few members of our congregation’s Visioning and Discernment Team share reflections on this first … Continue reading Throwing Seeds

Cultivating Delight

“The more you study delight, the more delight there is to study,” writes author Ross Gay.  Let us study our delights so we multiply delight in our lives!  Worship Leaders: Rev Darcy Baxter, Brian Wise, and Jude Markel. Tech Maestro: Cherie Mendoza.

War Stories

It’s hard to be present to our relationship with war and the many ways it shapes our world.  The violence of war harms so many and it benefits some.   We honor Memorial Day by taking some time to be with the complexity of war.  Worship Leaders: Rev Darcy Baxter, Dee Hawksworth and Magdalene Myint. Tech … Continue reading War Stories

In Praise of Inconvenience

“Convenience decides everything” Evan Williams, a co-founder of Twitter, has said. But should it?  What does it mean for us to not let convenience decide everything?”  Worship Leaders: Rev Darcy Baxter, Robbie Edge, and Jude Markel. Tech Maestro: Cherie Mendoza.

From Whence Cometh My Strength

Adyashanti, an American born spiritual teacher, states:  “There is a tragic element to human existence for all of us…It can take many forms:  a terminal illness, a parent losing their child, a child losing their parent, a husband losing his wife, the death of a friend, losing a job, getting divorced.  These are the moments … Continue reading From Whence Cometh My Strength

To Love the Hell Out of This World

To be a Universalist means you are committed to enacting radical and seemingly random acts of love. Universalists do not believe hell is something one finds in some kind of after-life. Universalists believe hell exists right here, right now, in this world. And our purpose is to love the hell out of this world. Worship Leaders: Rev. … Continue reading To Love the Hell Out of This World

Resisting Fear

There are so many things stirring up fear in us– how do we resist getting captured by fear? How do we expand our capacities for love rather than allow them to get narrowed and whittled away? Worship leaders:  Rev. Darcy Baxter, Leroy Egenberger, and musician Melynda Rodriguez.  Tech Maestro: Cherie Mendoza.