Archives: Services

The Transformative Power of Joy

In serious times, we can so easily become overly earnest and rigid about our efforts to live right. Let us not forget the power of joy to transform lives and sustain us. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Sharon Arpoika, and guest musician Jorge Torrez.

Threshold Choir: Kindness Made Audible

Kate Munger, founder of the Threshold Choir will share its vision – “A world where all at life’s thresholds may be honored with compassion shared through song.” Worship leaders this week are Sharon Arpoika, and Kate Munger.

Honoring Our Beloved Dead

We gather to honor and celebrate our beloveds who have left our lives. Children are invited to participate in the entire service–in ritual, words, and song. Please bring mementos and/or photos of dear ones who have passed on, as we will co-create an altar for our beloveds.  Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Avonelle … Continue reading Honoring Our Beloved Dead

How to Remember

Memory is a tricky thing– essential to our sense of self and yet so fallible and changeable. How do we remember and what are the things we want to make sure to remember?  Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy and Todd Whiteley.

Wrestling with White Supremacy

Unitarian Universalists of color have asked UU congregations around the country to dedicate this Sunday to addressing issues of white supremacy, inside and outside our congregations. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Matthew Mason, and Sabine Klein.

Reclaiming Mercy

Our Jewish friends have just completed their high holy days, which asks people to take account of their year, looking for where we have fallen short, what we can celebrate, and how we can reconcile our relationships. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy and Sabine Klein.

Safe and Uncomfortable

Growth, learning, and adaptation generally happens when we feel some discomfort–but discomfort isn’t the only ingredient for learning.  We must also feel safe.  Worship Leaders this week are  Rev. Darcy, Matthew Mason, and Sabine Klein.

The Gift of Limitations

Life is full of possibility and limitation, though we just like to talk about the possibilities. But in truth, the limitations give our life useful and creative definition. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Todd Whiteley, and Sabine Klein.

Finding Balance

Finding balance in an increasingly unbalanced world means finding our essence and wholeness. It is ever more urgent that we tend to our inner lives with tools such as conscious breathing. Worship leaders are Avonelle Tomlinson and guest speaker, Joy Willow, along with musician Sabine Klein.