Classroom Tour

In November 2010, after seven years of continuous effort, constant frustration and heroic fundraising efforts, we dedicated our new classroom building. County fire regulations demanded we install an 18,000 gallon water tank, on the right, because our property is not served by a city fire main.
Helen Million and Kevin Lee, two of our members, spent many hours transforming that water tank. (The picture above is “before”; this one is “after”.) Helen and Kevin used silhouettes of our children and tough, durable auto body paint to make an 18,000 gallon work of art. Helen is the lady standing in front of the tank.

This is the main hallway. Notice the innovative floor covering made from pea-sized pebbles in a resin matrix. It hides the dirt and provides non-slip footing, even when wet.
This is our classroom for the oldest children and some adult classes, “Gene’s Room”, named for UU Eugene Navias.

Classroom for children in grades 4 – 6, “Til’s Room”, named for UU Til Evans.
Our K-3 classroom, “Bob’s Room”, named for UU Robert Fulghum, author of All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten. It has a puppet theater and a train set.

Our nursery, “Peg’s Room”, named for UU Margaret “Peg” Gooding. We provide free child care during Sunday services and for some other functions. The building has a large, sunny, well-equipped nursery for children 4 and younger, staffed by friendly, competent caregivers.