Speaker: Rev. Darcy Baxter

Planting Trees in the Apocalypse

When asked what he would do if he knew the world would end tomorrow, Martin Luther is said to have responded, “I would plant a tree today.” We explore why we should plant trees. Our worship leaders are Rev. Darcy Baxter, Avonelle Tomlinson, and Bernadette … read more.


Liberal religion got rid of the idea of some final judgment. But maybe some judgment in our lives is exactly what we need. Rev. Darcy Baxter and Matthew Mason are this week’s worship leaders.

What Is a Good Question?

Actually, contrary to what many of us have been told, there IS such a thing as a bad question.  Join us this Sunday as we explore the power of good questions.  Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy and Sharon Arpoika.

Getting Outside

It’s summer–and hot though it may be, let’s not forget to get outside. Outside of our houses, outside of our routines, outside of our usual ways of thinking. We will also take time to honor the victims of the Orlando shooting.  Worship Leaders this week … read more.

Jazz Sunday

We welcome the New Horizons Jazz Band for a special music Sunday, inviting their music to stir us, prove, and move us in ways simple words cannot. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy Baxter and Tina Godsey.

Does Power Really Corrupt?

Sir John Dalberg-Acton, Catholic historian and politician famously said, “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  But does it really? Do not we all need power in our lives?  Rev. Darcy and Avonelle Tomlinson lead this week’s service.

What the Heck is Beloved Community?

Beloved Community gets used a lot these days in liberal religious circles. What is it exactly? How do we build and practice it? Do we even want to? Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy and Avonelle Tomlinson

Labor of Tenderness

In the midst of a callous presidential primary, and divisive politicking more broadly, we will explore and honor the labor it takes to risk taking a robust and tender stance towards one another and the world. Rev. Darcy Baxter and worship associate Tina Godsey lead … read more.

Cooking Up Possibilities

(Services at 9:30am and 11am) With all the energy and excitement about the possibility of remodeling our kitchen, we will explore what kitchens and cooking mean in our lives. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy and Matthew Mason.