Speaker: Rev. Darcy Baxter

Resilience and Resistance

These words have been circulating around a lot but what do they mean for us, as we go through our daily lives, in a time that is both new and not new? What are our spiritual tools in these times of resilience and resistance? Worship … read more.

Hope of a Prophet

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is probably the religious “prophet” most trusted by liberals. We will practice deep listening to some of King’s words and how they call to us in this particular historical moment. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Todd Whiteley, … read more.

Letting Go, Beginning Again

What do you need to release in order to move forward in 2017? Rev. Darcy will lead the congregation’s annual ‘burning off’ ritual. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Todd Whiteley, Sue Cotter and April Gutierrez.

Children of the Same God

Drawing on history that suggests European Unitarians understood themselves to be part of the same religious family as Jewish and Muslim people, we explore and affirm the wisdom that “within one, there is many.”  Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy and Tina Godsey.

Demolition of the Heart

This week we explore the wisdom of what Jake Gyllenhaal’s character in the movie “Demolition” says: “If you want to fix something, you have to take everything apart and figure out what’s important.” Worship leaders are Rev. Darcy Baxter and John Pattton.

Water Communion: Healing Waters

We gather again on this Sunday to recommit ourselves to building Beloved Community, and to sharing our healing waters of hope. Our tradition has been to bring a bit of water from where ever you spent your summer vacation to use during the ceremony. You’re … read more.

The Labors of Love

We gather to honor all the labor that has brought us where we are today; to remember the work, the love, the struggle, and the care. Rev. Darcy will lead members in an extended meditation and then members will share about the labor they would … read more.