Archives: Services

It’s the Singing- I Go to Sing

“Don’t know who is preaching, doesn’t matter –the sermon may be helpful or not, holds my attention or doesn’t –it’s the singing. I go to sing” writes poet Lindy Thompson.  In a world that restricts music and art to those who are “good at it”, we honor that singing together is a powerful spiritual practice … Continue reading It’s the Singing- I Go to Sing

Sorting Our Harvest

Does it serve us to bring all that we harvest during the season with us as we move forward?  It seems that sorting through our recent harvest, and even our cumulative harvest may facilitate our growth as spiritual beings.  What will you choose to bring with you into the quiet darkness of winter?  Worship leaders: … Continue reading Sorting Our Harvest

Listening to Absence

Coping with absence is perhaps one of the most difficult of human experiences. After we lose something or someone, we then have to learn to live with the absence of them. How can we listen to the absences in our lives so that our lives are more enriched? Worship Leaders: Rev Darcy, Lynn B., and … Continue reading Listening to Absence

People Live in Worlds, Worlds Live in People

In addition to the wild, beautiful, and terrifying complexity of the world, each human harbors wild, beautiful, and terrifying complexity within them. Can we bear to listen to these complexities or do we need to resort to (sometimes brutal) oversimplifications? Worship Leaders: Rev Darcy Baxter and Matte Black. Tech Maestro: Zack G.

Go Turtles Go

What are we metamorphosing into and how should we UUs navigate all the overwhelming change processes we find ourselves in? Long time UU minister Rev. Chris Buice shares his reflections on this question in this 2023 sermon he delivered to the national gathering of Unitarian Universalists.Brian Wise & Robbie Edge Worship Associates, Melynda Rodriguez musician, … Continue reading Go Turtles Go

You Cannot Ever Know What You Are Getting Into

We humans tend to prioritize “knowing” things, including ourselves.  But some understand humans as creatures with mysterious and confusing desires that can be pretty opaque, even to the person having them.  Can we ever really know we are getting ourselves into?  Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy, Robbie E, and musician Melynda R.. Tech Maestro: Adlai F.

Power of Presence

“Being Present” has become popular spiritual language– we are supposed to be “be present” or “in the moment.”  But why?  Beyond a technique to cope with grief or guilt of the past or the fear and anxiety of the future, what are the virtues of “being present”– to yourself or others?  Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy, … Continue reading Power of Presence

A Joy That Drags Us Through

What does this congregation invite people into, what is our particular and special ministry?  My answer is radical compassion and joy– not a joy that denies the horrible, but a joy that drags us through it.  Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy, Sharon A, and Magdalene M. Tech Maestro: Todd W.

Labor of Acceptance

Joe Biden’s departure from the election made it clear the hard work it can take to accept realities we wish were not. We honor the work it takes of our psyches and souls to come to terms with reality and practice offering gratitude for all those who have made our bittersweet reality possible. Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy … Continue reading Labor of Acceptance

Changing the Frame

Last week, Mary R. gifted Rev. Darcy a beautiful piece of chalice art, honoring our 10 years of shared ministry together.  The chalice art is placed in a thick, wide frame, bigger than the chalice art itself.  Change the frame and the composition of everything changes. What does it mean to change our frame, to … Continue reading Changing the Frame