Archives: Services

The Devotion of a True Patriot

It’s just one day after the 4th of July. With the smell of fireworks lingering, let’s also linger with thoughts and richly reflect on what it means to be devoted to our country. What should we be devoted to? What have UUers, poets, past presidents and others said and encouraged. Are you a devoted patriot? … Continue reading The Devotion of a True Patriot

Be Proud

What are you proud of? Pride has taken on a special meaning in the LBGTQ communities, perhaps teaching all of us that the feeling of healthy pride can help us navigate turbulent, even traumatizing, times. Worship Leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Haruko DeArth, Carol Festejo and Jorge Torrez. 

Expanding Our Compassion

While there are many reasons we may decide to join a religious community, belonging to a religious community should expand our capacity for compassion.  We honor our efforts at expanding compassion by welcoming new members to UUFSC and listening to their brief stories about what brought them here.  Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy,  Todd … Continue reading Expanding Our Compassion

Do Something Inadequate

In moments such as these, most actions we can take are ones that feel inadequate. But inadequate actions, amplified and echoed through the interdependent web of existence, may actually be enough to bring us closer and closer to the Beloved Community.  Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Sharon A, and Jorge Torrez. 

Zoom Worship Service

We are currently broadcasting Sunday morning worship on Zoom. The link to Sunday worship is in your weekly eBlast and in our Facebook group, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Stanislaus County.  The children meet in a separate Zoom meeting. Information on RE activities can also be found in the weekly eBlast. After worship, you are invited … Continue reading Zoom Worship Service

Stepping Back 6 Feet (at least) … A Case for Physical Distancing

How are you doing with physical distancing? How are you experiencing others when out and about? Putting this into practice may help us avoid more than a virus. Come explore more about what this new social practice invites. Worship leaders this week are Dee Hawksworth, Rev. Erin Matteson, and Jorge Torrez.

Zoom Worship Service

We are currently broadcasting Sunday morning worship on Zoom. The link to Sunday worship is in your weekly eBlast and in our Facebook group, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Stanislaus County.  The children meet in a separate Zoom meeting. Information on RE activities can also be found in the weekly eBlast. After worship, you are invited … Continue reading Zoom Worship Service

Zoom Worship Service

We are currently broadcasting Sunday morning worship on Zoom. The link to Sunday worship is in your weekly eBlast and in our Facebook group, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Stanislaus County.  The children meet in a separate Zoom meeting. Information on RE activities can also be found in the weekly eBlast. After worship, you are invited … Continue reading Zoom Worship Service