Archives: Services

Is Our Loving Large Enough?

No matter how big we think our capacity to love is, it can always be BIGGER. Join Pat and Leroy Egenberger as they lead a contemplative and poetry based service to help equip us in making our loving even bigger.  Worship leaders: Rev. Leroy Egenberger, Pat Egenberger, Sharon Arpoika, and Magdalene Myint. Guest Musician Anne … Continue reading Is Our Loving Large Enough?

Creative Maladjustment

“There are certain things in our nation and in the world about which I am proud to be maladjusted.” preached Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. How does the proposed new language for our Unitarian Universalist principles encourage us to be creatively maladjusted? Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Tricia Garcia, and Jude Markel. Tech Maestro: Cherie Mendoza.

How the Light Gets In, How the Light Gets Out

Shame scholar Brene Brown says that we cannot grow when we are in shame, nor can we use shame to change ourselves or others. So how do we find relief from shame and how do we help others find that relief?  Worship Leaders: Rev Darcy Baxter, Ari Kenney, Robbie Edge. Tech Maestro: Cherie Mendoza. 

Journeying Into the Unknown

How can we equip ourselves to journey into the unknown and stay true to ourselves? Stay true to our deepest values? And the truth is, we are always traveling into the unknown. Worship leaders: Rev. Dara Olandt, Rev. Darcy, and Jude Markel. Tech Maestro: Todd Whiteley. 

Facing Forward

When the near future feels uncertain or unpredictable, it can be hard to face forward. And yet, face forward we must. As we begin 2023, what do you need to remember, what do you need to release, and what do you need to resolve to do?  Rev. Darcy will lead the congregation’s annual ‘burning off’ … Continue reading Facing Forward

Embracing Possibility in Times of Change

What does it mean for us as Unitarian Universalists to live as a people of hope and imagination—especially during in-between times? How can we challenge ourselves (and each other) to learn and grow in uncertain times?  This service includes pre-recorded elements created by the Unitarian Universalist Association.  Rev Dr. Susan Frederick-Gray, President of the UUA, … Continue reading Embracing Possibility in Times of Change

Incarnating Christmas

The Christian tradition teaches us to embody, to incarnate the divine, so embody we will! Join us for our multigenerational pageant of Margaret Brown’s Christmas in the Barn.  Worship leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Sharon Arpoika, Jude Markel. Tech: Todd Whiteley

How to do a Unitarian Christmas

Scholars categorize Unitarian Universalism as “Post-Christian Protestantism.” So, how should a post-Christian Protestant do Christmas? Worship Leaders: Rev. Darcy Baxter, Tricia Garcia. Tech Maestro: Vic Whaley

Luminous Darkness

We live in a culture that demonizes darkness. What does it mean to embrace darkness,to find it luminescent?Worship Leaders: Rev Darcy Baxter, Robbie Edge, Jude Markel. Tech Crew: Cherie