Topic: Monthly Theme:Attention

What Really Nourishes You

It is so easy to consume things that actually do not nourish you.  As we approach a season so focused on consumption, we turn our attention to what truly nourishes and nurtures us.  Worship leaders this week are Matthew Mason, Rev. Michelle Favreault, and Jude Markel.

To What Are You Devoted?

Poet Mary Oliver writes that, “Attention is the beginning of devotion.” In order to become devoted to something or someone, first you must notice it, then give it your attention, and then fall in a kind of love. In this service we will reflect on to what and to whom we are most devoted and whether our devotions reflect our deepest held values. Worship Leaders this week are Brian Wise, Dee Hawksworth, and Jorge Torrez. Greeters are Jose Quinonez and Jerry Jackman.

Making Your Way Through the Dark

Now that we have changed our clocks out of daylight savings time, many of us find ourselves spending a lot more time in the dark. In a culture that focuses our attention on “the light,” we take time to honor the wisdom of the dark. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy, Todd Whiteley, and Jorge Torrez. Greeters are Leah Silvestre and Jerry Landrum.

The Long Now

When musician, producer, and artist Brian Eno moved to the United States from England he was struck by how when people said “here” and “now,” people generally meant “this room” and “this five minutes” as opposed to a larger here and longer now that he felt was how time was experienced in England. Join us as we tap into our long-now. Worship leaders this week are Rev. Darcy and Haruko DeArth. Greeters at the door are Jerry Jackman and Mary Menz.