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We depend on this church to renew our spiritual lives. In turn, UUFSC is completely dependent on the generosity of its members. Your donations make it possible for us to support our many programs and to continue the important work of building the Beloved Community. Here are some ways to donate.


A pledge is a covenant that members and friends make to support our UU Fellowship. Your pledge is a commitment to provide a specified amount of financial support for the church fiscal year. Pledging is purely voluntary and tax deductible. Each Spring, the church requests pledges, but members can pledge or adjust the size of their pledge any time of the year. To do so, stop by the office and visit with Brenda. Or you can telephone her at 209-545-1837 or send email to

Pledging is the church’s most important source of funding, by far. By pledging you enable the church to budget efficiently. We hope that all members will pledge to give what they can afford, in accord with the benefits they have received from the church, and hope to continue receiving.

Annual Auction

Our annual auction and dinner has been a successful and fun fundraiser for several years. Tickets are sold ahead of time and include dinner and a cash bar to make for a delightful evening. Items for sale have ranged from tennis lessons to handmade furniture to having a sermon written just for you.

Spring Boutique

This is the place to find special spring holiday gifts, including many special baked goods and art pieces made with UU love.

Collection Basket

We take up a collection at each Sunday service, and all donations are received with much gratitude and a pledge to use them in a responsible manner to benefit our church community.

How to Pay

We are happy to receive your contributions and donations in several ways.

  • Cash and checks are always appreciated in the collection baskets on Sunday mornings.
  • Set up regular withdrawals from your checking or savings accounts
  • Pay with any of the major credit cards. 


If you are 70 1/2 and must take Required Minimum Distributions from your traditional IRA (not a Roth IRA), you can pay your pledge through your distribution, directly from your IRA to the fellowship. Since the funds bypass you, you are not taxed on that amount. This is called a Qualified Charitable Distribution and sustains our fellowship while reducing your taxes. Contact the Church Office to learn how to set up this simple process.